Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Mommy Chronicles

Being a mother has taught me one or two things thus far. It’s taught me that I do not care about having spit up that stinks like three dead rats all over my blouse as long as I get a smile from my little creature. I do not care that I’ve missed the latest party out on town because I have this little cutie patootie that is sleeping soundly and making really funny noises and faces that I get to look at. It’s like having a subscription to the latest cable package this little one; I can just sit there and stare at her little face for hours upon hours. It has also taught me that there is a very important reason God made them so cute! So that you won’t strangle them when they are crying your ear off and you’ve feed them, burped them, they are not tired, nor do they have a kitty litter surprise in their diapers and you just do not know what the heavens is wrong. I’ve literally had to pray so much in order to not lose my cool in times like this. I think that God is so amazing in that not only is he giving us these little lumps o’ goodness to take care of and lead into a good life; but he makes them specifically to order so that they will bring out the best and worse in US, the parent so we can continually work on our selves. God works on us through our children and we need to really listen to the message and allow both good and bad parts of us to come out so that we can decide what we want to continue holding on to. It’s a good way to evaluate your persona and decide if the good things can be better and if the weaknesses can turn into strengths. I know that I myself have been extremely challenged in these past few months. Patience is not really my best friend and those close to me know how for the most part I’m a pretty mellow person but when my buttons are pushed I just get nasty. Well my baby joy has pushed them all at ONCE and because of divine intervention, I have not gone ballistic. I think it’s so important to share that being a parent is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life. There are times that you have no idea what the heck your doing and it’s scary so you get down on yourself. I know I have, but if you’re reading this please know that it is completely normal to have these feelings of inadequacy. I am sure even the most seasoned parent still has them from time to time. The important thing to hold on to is that, you are not the only one and that when you give up your worries to God and let him guide you, everything starts making sense and the “bad” moment’s only work to make you stronger. Enjoy parenthood! I know I am. Madelyn is starting to laugh and that has given me the coolest feeling in the world. She is growing so fast, I want to be able to just live in the moment and enjoy every phase of her life. She is a great addition to our family.