Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Horrible Day (With a side of salmon and a puppy!)

I seriously just had the most intense day. It was scary and super emotional! First things first. My mom needed me to pick up some medications her Dr. was going to have her try out, so I went to the afterhours clinic on Stockton Boulevard (already a little scared are ya? J.K. Stockton isn’t that scary). Maddy had JUST fallen asleep so I put her car seat in the stroller and strolled my booty up to the reception office at Dr. Fakerhy’s (um, imagine my mom saying this with her Mexican accent, I thought I had to wash her mouth with soap the first few times she was telling me her Dr.’s name) I got the meds and asked the receptionist if I could speak to the Dr. and as I was waiting a very large man walked in the office. He took a seat and just stared at the receptionist, within a few seconds of very creep-ly staring action he started screaming, yes I said SCREAMING at the top of his lungs, “Well, are you going to give me some salmon while I wait for this Dr. or what!?” Receptionist, “Ummm, we don’t sell any food here.” Very large man, “Sooo what am I supposed to do while I’m waiting here! Huh!? I’m starving! I need mental health help?!” Me “Ah, I don’t need to speak with the Dr. anymore” With the fastest I’ve ever moved Maddy’s stroller, ping, I was out the door! I was so scared for Maddy and my safety because the man followed me out. I kept praying for God to protect us and he totally did. Once I got into my car I was literally shaking. I don’t know why, but now that I’m writing this, it seems kind of silly and it’s making me giggle a little but I was legitimately scared when I was experiencing it! I have never been so shaky in my life. I think that having Maddy made me even more scared because if it had just been me I don’t think it would’ve been such a big deal.  
Second part of this intense and scary day: As I was driving home from dropping of my mom’s medicine, I was on the freeway and from really far away I could see the car in front of me slowing down, but I didn’t slow down enough. I had to pretty much slam on my breaks because before I could say Dr. Fakerhy the car in front of me was at a dead stop. But no one else on the freeway was. I then glanced at my review mirror and the car behind me was about to hit me, but he swerved very efficiently to the left and got us both out of harm’s way. Then the car in front of me speed off to the left and I was left with the most devastating picture ever. A run over puppy! I did not know what to do and all I kept thinking was poor puppy and oh God I do not want to cause a huge accident on the freeway. So I continued forward and went over the puppy because I was dead stopped and every other car to my right and my left was zipping by at 60mph! I didn’t hit the puppy, I just went over it but after looking back and seeing it one more time, I just lost it. Hysterical crying. I haven’t cried as much as I did today in a long while. I was so scared for so many lives and so sad for the poor little creature that had been run over. But Alas, life goes on. It just sucks that we have to experience such sad, scary or difficult days. The one positive thing I took out of it is that I cannot appreciate the really good days if I don’t learn from the crap ones. I am truly blessed in so many ways though! I know my blessings outweigh the “bad” experiences of today. I know that I have something great looking after me and protecting me from anything I cannot handle.  I feel so grateful to have God in my life every day, but especially in days such as today. I hope you all are having wonderful days!
Stay blessed, stay saucy!

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