Thursday, October 27, 2011

Today is My Day Off!

 I'm having one of those really weird days that everything makes me mad, everything gets me irritated. I can't quite place WHY I'm having a crappy day but it feels so stupid to feel in a bad moon when I am blessed beyond believe. I have arms that can hug, legs that can run, fingers that can type, a voice that I can use to sing with (sometimes out of tune, but who cares. Only the dog and my baby girl are subject to it most times). I have eyes that can see (not perfectly because I do have really bad eyesight, but STILL). The list goes on and on and on! I can think of more than thousands of reasons why I shouldn't be in a crappy mood today. But guess what. I am also human and I am allowed days "off" where I can just be in a bad mood. Allow yourself to feel. Don't apologize to yourself why your feeling a certain way, ride the wave of emotion. BUT then move on, pray that God gives you HIS joy for life if you can't feel it for yourself right now. Happiness isn't always attainable in life. But joy for life is. In the back of your mind, knowing that there is a beautiful life to be lived and there are good people in this world, and that there is an ALMIGHTY God that has your back during ANY emotion you might be feeling. He's the one who designed us with so many ranges of emotions after all, so why would it ever be "BAD" to feel them? Today is my day "off". I'll be back tomorrow a more peppy me.

Stay blessed and stay saucy ya'll!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Get Off the Couch and Become Somebody

This week I’ve been thinking about why we as a society love to watch movies such as Rocky or Rudy. Or how come we love to hear about Inspirational stories that overcome all adversity, be it in the news or on Oprah .  I've been giving a lot of thought not only to why we like hearing about these stories, but also about what it takes to BE that person that overcomes life’s challenges and becomes the hero .Or what it takes to be the kind of person that is able to be THE BEST at what they do. 

What makes people excel at things and train so vigorously that the win the GOLD medal in the Olympics? What is that X-factor that those people have that I don’t?  WE love to watch and hear about stories that beat all adversity because WE wish that for ourselvesWe want to be the ones beating that temptation of eating a Twinky  to be in the best shape of our life. We want to be that person to run 3 miles every day in order to run a half marathon. We want to be the person who can do it all;  a parent/partner/excellent employee/son/daughter/ friend/ neighbor/Jimmy-Bob Stud.  But more often than not we get caught up in the "busy" part of THINKING about what we want to achieve and planning to do so.  That we forget to get started and make up our minds of the goals we wish to achieve. We set up for failure because rather than just making up our mind that we are going to do something and actually doing it! Instead, we dwell on the start-up process because it's easier to always be "planning" something, rather than DOING something and failing at it.  We think of this brilliant idea that will for sure make us a better person, but the problem is that by the third day we've let it go to because the going got tough. So we start "planning" the next thing we’re going to do to become that perfect human being that we all so longingly desire.

 I say this is all just bologna!  I know that if we just make up our minds of what we want to do, we can do it. It’s too simple for us to comprehend at times. We want attaining success to be this profound hidden treasure that only a few lucky souls get to find, while the rest of us are left out to just watch it on our television . Well I say that it’s the time for all of us to stop making excuses for what we can’t do and start thinking of what we can do. The mind is a powerful tool that can be taken for granted. Sometimes its easier to blame our circumstances, or our parents or  our blah blah blah.  That technique is a whole lot easier because its scary to think that our lives are a manifestation of what we REALLY want for ourselves and what we think about ourselves. It is the hardest thing to do as a human being to look with-in and comprehend that your life sucks because you are choosing it to suck. Or that you are allowing people or things to dictate your joy. Its so much easier to point the finger because then we don’t have responsibility for our choices and the way we react to our circumstances.  To have responsibility is to have the ABILITY TO RESPOND to any situation as you see fit. That means that you have the ability to respond positively  to any circumstance and rise above adversity. Don’t let anyone dictate your joy. Not now, not ever.  Make it a good life! Meditate on what your passion in life is and tell yourself that you can go for it. If it's your passion then it's in YOU for a REASON!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! 

Stay Blessed and Stay Saucy! 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Save Your Relationship


I've been happily married for over three years now and my marriage is an amazing roller-coaster. Sometimes we are completely head-over-heals for each other and sometimes.... sometimes let's just say, it takes every ounce of my being not to Karate chop him in the throat! So many times I've wondered why oh why is my husband not giving me the love that I deserve!? And then we bought a book called Love and Respect by Emerson Eggerichs and I was able to understand 100% what was standing in the way of the love that I was yearning for. I'm not trying to have this act as cliff-notes for the book, I completely know I wouldn't do it justice, BUT I will give you the lib-notes. What I got out of the book per-say. Are you ready?
  • Men and women are different (No duh)
  • Men hear in blue and women in pink (thus we can say one thing and have two meanings behind it)
  • Women love to love and love LOVE love to GET love. Men not so much concerned about the love thing-Here's where it get's INTERESTING... (MEN NEED AND WANT YOUR RESPECT!) SHAZAMMMMM! 
  • There is a crazy cycle- If the woman doesn't get love then it's hard for her to give her hubby respect, and if the husband doesn't feel respected, it's difficult for him to display love.
  • Don't fret, there is also something called the "Energizing Cycle"- With love she treats him with respect and with respect he treats HER with love. How'bout that!?
   I've been missing this concept my entire life, and now that I see it as plain as day it makes total sense! And trust me when I tell you that it has already saved Doug and I from some, pull your hair, I'm going to go get my nunchucks I'll be right back kind of fights! The catch though IS that someone always has to be the better person EVEN when they aren't getting what they "deserve". So for example one day we were having a heated discussion (well we were fighting, I just like the sounds of the other better). And I was able to not care about the fact that he was being unloving and asked him a very important question. "Honey what did I do that made you feel disrespected?"  Ohhhh my gosh! Boy oh boy do I wish I could do that every time. He told me why he felt like I was being rude to him and it all boiled down to miscommunication. And the argument was over faster than I could say ninja. But had I not had the courtesy to put my feelings aside for a minute to ask him the question, I would have been all mad and angry. Things would of just gotten out of control and before we know it we would have been fighting about something completely different five hours later.  

Since then there have been times when he's had to be the better person, and it makes me feel so loved when he gets interested in what I'm feeling. When he gives me unconditional love, it really MAKES me want to be respectful and loving to him. Try this little method out. And by respect I do NOT mean, be a doormat and never raise any questions or bring anything up for the sake of not arguing. I mean be respectful in the way you treat your man and enjoy all the beautiful LOVE that you'll get from him! 

Women, trust me. If you have a husband or boyfriend who isn't treating you with the love that you deserve, give him that unconditional respect he needs. Be enamored by him and praise him for the man that he is. Remind him that you are not sickened by the person he's become.  Make him feel like you feel PROUD to be his woman and you'll be dumbfounded by how he will in-turn treat YOU. 

Men, trust me. If you have a wife or girlfriend who doesn't treat you with the honor and respect that you crave, give her unconditional love. Don't think that everything she says is to piss you off, or to make you miserable. She is just saying "I'm not feeling loved right now, please love me!"  If you seek to understand HER and in everything make it known that you love who she is, she WILL respect who you are! 

I know it's very difficult to be in a relationship sometimes. BUT it can be done.  To the point that you end up having an intimate relationship that no earthly thing can break.  

Stay blessed and stay saucy everyone!! 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011



  My birthday is in thirty something days, woohooo!!  Every time one of those rolls around I am forced to think about my life and make sure it's on the right track. As I was thinking of everything that I've done in the past ALMOST 28 years of my life, I couldn't help but remember my childhood. There's a specific point in those wee years that always makes me super-dee-duperly confused because on one hand I get sad about it and on the other it makes me proud of my family and myself. But more importantly, it makes me realize the importance of attitude,love and family. So here it is, I'm going to tell you something that most people don't know about me. When I lived in Mexico and was the very mature age of 6, I had to get a job bagging groceries at the local supermarket so my mom and I could make ends meet. There I said it, I had a job when I was 6! See weird, I'm super proud to say that I was a total working machine at that young age. However, in the same token if I think about it for what it REALLY was and put my daughter in place of me... waterworks!!! I get so sad to think that my mom had to tell me, "Mija, it's time to get a job. You can't watch the smurfs when you get home from school anymore. It's time to grow up." (Granted this is not at all what she said, she didn't even speak English then but that's what I'm making up for the sake of the story. Okay? Okay!)

     Whenever I think back about this time in my life, I seriously don't ever remember any sadness from being poor or bleakness from HAVING to have a job at 6 years of age. In place of any negative feeling, there is a sense of pride and joy that I was able to do all those things and triumph in the end. I would NEVER be the person I am today if it had not been for all of the crummy circumstances in my life. I probably would not be as understanding and resilient as I find myself now. So I am thankful for all of those opportunities that made me a stronger person. And the more and more I think about why it was almost "fun" for me to have a job so young, I realize that it was my mothers AMAZING attitude that helped me not be sad as a child. She has an amazing quality about her that makes her a fighter no matter what life throws her way. At that time she probably had such a  heavy-heart to have to make her little girl go to work. She didn't let on to me that we were in dire need. For me it was as though we had been rich all along. It wasn't until I did have that I understood how much we didn't for a long time.

       My mother had a huge impact on me as a young girl, and then in my teenage years she made some poor choices in her life that have affected me in a lot of ways. For a very long time, I felt so resentful towards her for making me feel like she did. And then God told me to knock it off. When I grasped that my mother is JUST a human being that is trying to make it here on earth as much as the next gal, I knew I could not continue to put her on a pedestal that made her unable to make any mistakes. I had a hard time not seeing my mother as perfect because my whole childhood was happy because of her. She protected me from so much ,gave up and sacrificed even more than I can imagine for my well being. She made it so even in the shittiest of circumstances, I was able to live a loving and some what "normal" childhood (pardon the French, I couldn't find a better word!) She helped me believe in myself. She taught me the power of working hard and being a good, kind person. She taught me that you have to be likable  and funny and to not rely on looks to get you places.  She helped me realize that I really WASN'T the center of the universe like I once had believed, go figure! So you can imagine how difficult it was for me to understand that she's only a human being that has the right to her own mistakes in life ( I saw her more like a cross between Phoenix and Storm, the perfect Super-heroine!)

 There is so much of my mother in me that I am extremely proud to say came from her. Her attitude and love made my childhood one that I remember being filled with joy and happiness. It didn't matter that I had to work at such a young age, because I had my mom to come home to and she was the best mom she could have been to me. In spite of the "bad" choices she's made in her life, God has commanded me to honor my father and mother, He doesn't say, "honor them ONLY if they don't do anything wrong...."  So this is me forgiving my mother of anything she ever did that hurt me in any way. I understand that you are not a super-heroine after all mommy, and that's perfectly okay because you are my MOTHER, and in so many ways that is way cooler!

 Are you holding on to something you should let go of today? Is there someone in your life you're building up to be a superhero rather than a real person that has the right to their own mistakes?  I encourage you to think and pray about it and let it go. Let God be the judge not you. There is an indescribable peace that comes along when we let go and just love people regardless of what they do. I hope you all are having beautiful days! 
Stay blessed and stay saucy! 

Thank you mamacita hermosa.