Tuesday, December 23, 2014

My Uneven Eyebrows

So my entire life I've been looking at my eybrows and thinking "Man, I think my eyebrows are a little off." And when I say my entire life, I mean the recent 5-7 years. Every time I do my makeup I lift my right eyebrow with my fingers wishing that somehow it would stay even with it's left counterpart. I made peace with the fact that my face was off. My eyebrows were not going to ever be even and I just had to be okay with it or else i would have to have an "evening out the eyebrow area surgery". I don't even know if that's a thing, but if cutting your toes off to fit into Jimmy Choo's is a thing; than "evening out your eyebrow surgery" should be a thing too. Anyway, I know what you're thinking, "She's so dramatic" Well, you try having uneven eyebrows when putting on makeup is your thing! 

I was shopping at Ulta and in an attempt of desperation I asked the nice lady at the brow bar for Benefit to check my brows out. I told her my sad story, (refer to the story above if you'd like to hear it again). She looked at me and said, "Girl, they aren't even that bad!" I knew this, but you know how we are, so critical of ourselves. I said "I know, but it bothers me and I wanted to see if anyone had any advise for me." To which she asked, "How do you pluck your brows? Do you start from the top and go around to the bottom." I, of course as an expert at EVERYTHING I do said,  "Of course that's how I do it!" Feeling a little indignant that she asked..... With a bit of a smile on her face she replied, "Well you're doing it wrong!" You should start from the bottom and then go up." WHAT!? I had been plucking my eyebrows wrong my whole life!? It's in times like this that I question everything I do! She told me that if I do that and then let my other eyebrow fill in, they would for sure even out. 

So naturally I went home and tried what she said. OH MY GOSHY WILLICKERS! It flippin worked! What the heck!? I've been "struggling" with that for so long and all it took was for me to be less proud of what I "know" and ask someone else for advise. Maybe, just maybe other people know more about makeup and beauty than I do. What a humbling experience! 

Then I though, that's what happens in my realtionship with God! I think I already KNOW Him and I don't need to know more about how to live a life free in Christ and then I get humbled by what I don't know. In a way I have resolved to know nothing at all and ask God to guide me into knowing Him better. And he sure has. This whole year for me has been a very difficult year because I've asked God to help me know Him more, to help me know His love more deeply, to change the parts in me that hinder from knowing Him better and to use my brokness in a good way. Well, He's deffinitely been answering my prayers through circumnstanses that allow me to exersice my faith, refine my patience, my selfishness, my pride. I wouldn't have it any other way! It's been quite the adventure. God is anything but boring! He's been the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me! 

There is always room for growth and questioning if what we are doing is the right thing. Just because we've done something for so long in the same way doesn't mean it's the correct way for us. I hope you have a great day! If you have uneven eyebrows, there is hope my friend, there is hope! 

Stay blessed and stay saucy! 
-Libier Reynolds 

Monday, December 22, 2014

Miracles Through My Half A Million Dollar Journey

This week and a half has been crazy busy!! I always find it funny that there is so much pressure for us to have a wonderful time this season. For myself specifically I don't know of any other time that I feel more stress or feelings of disappointment. Why? Well I think I figured it out for me personally. I go to the outsources to make me feel the spirit of Christmas. Outsourses like hot chocolate and making cookies. Don't get me wrong those things are wonderful but if I personally don't go to God to get my joy and peace, those other things are so temporary that I am left feeling empty and disatisfied. With that being said, I hope that you find your way to feel that Christmas spirt. That you do have a peaceful and joyful Season where ever you are, what ever your circumstances.

I have some good news regarding my journey to raising a half a million dollars for Bridget's Dream. If you haven't read the proposal lettere click HERE. I experienced God's miracle in connecting me with a person that is very connected in the entertainment industry. What God has planned is beyond me. I am not going to try to udestand His plan. I am going to wait on His timing and TRUST that He knows what He is doing. He is giving me just enough light to walk each day and nothing more. I think in a way that is His way of protecting us. If we knew all that was going to happen to us we'd probably be too afraid to move forward. I can assure you though, miracles are happening.  We think of miracles as HUGE things that everyone can stand in awe of and don't get me wrong I believe that God is ABLE to do BIG miracles. I also believe that the miracles that happen internally, with-in our souls are as equally powerful. For me, the miracle that is happening in my heart is God taking me from the most obssessive person on earth, I mean I wanted to be in control of EVERYTHING and in the know of it all. I hated being taken by suprise and I always thought that my way was better than anyone elses (even God). I didn't know how to trust anyone! I never learned how. So, for me to sit here and tell you that my heart is surrendered to God and I am trusting in His plan and in His timing is a true miracle in itself. I am NOT saying that it's been a breeze for me. It has not. I have failed so many times in questioning God's timing and his plan but I surrender everytime I do. The more I practice surrendering myself I experience a peace that is beyond my comprehension. 

I did e-mail Sonia Kashuk's Team (they are a wonderful makeup brand that sells at Target) and I got an email back with their publicists information. I called and she was out (like so many other people are right now!) but I talked to someone and she liked my idea. She took my information down and said she would talk to the publicisit when she got back from vacation. SO THERE IS HOPE! There are so many possibilties out there. None have any concrete paths yet,  but I am trusting that in His time God will make the best move possible for Bridget's Dream. 

I write to you with an extremely thankful and hopeful heart. I am experiencing so much hope and joy!  We serve a God who is good, powerful and mighty to save! Even when we can't understand what He is doing, sometimes we are not meant to. Sometimes He asks us to TRUST Him and His promises. I do know that I am taking God out of my box and I am trusting Him for something BIG AND WONDERFUL. Because He will take things that are aweful and He will pay us double for our trouble! The devil means it for evil but God means it for the saving of many lives. Nothing you've EVER have gone through is out of God's reach to make into something good. If you trust Him and give Him your life he will never disappoint you! I have been through the ringer in my life and have spent so many years questioning God as to why. That has been the bigget waste of my time. When I decided I wanted to get better from all the wounds in my heart I made a choice to let God into my heart and allow him to heal me. What I found was the most exciting, loving and profound relationship I've ever experienced. Full of mercy and compassion. God cares about the state of our heart. He cares about what has wounded us. And he wants to fight evil with GOOD. I want to let him! I want to trust that even though terrible things have happened to me God is going to make beauty from these ashes. 

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
-Libier Reynolds 

Follow me on instagram: libierreynolds

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Following The Half A Million Dollar Journey 12/16/14

Hi friends! I am so excited to share with you all the things that God is doing in this journey to raising a half a million dollars for Bridget's Dream! This week my focus was to make sure the battle field in my mind was subdued with God's truth and word. I know that this battle is more against myself and my fears of faliure and defeat than anything else. I know God already prepared the good works that he had in mind for me to accomplish. I believe that when he knit us all in our mother's womb, he KNEW why he was making us. The purpose we have has been predestined and it conincides with the talents and abilities God has given us. This life is hard. We all go through some level of trauma, abuse, loss, fear, abandonment, something tries to hold us back from being who we were meant to be. But God has won the battle in the end. God is just and kind and merciful and his love endures forever. Eventhough fear pulls us back into the mud to keep us from being the full realization of ourselves, God is wating for anyone to call his name for help. He is willing and able to not just help but to make us conquerours. This week my focus has been on praying that God would help me belive him over the doubts and fears in my head that I've believed for way too long. BELIEVE GOD MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE IN THIS LIFE. That has been my mantra! (IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE FIRST POST OF THE JOURNEY SEE IT HERE)

The things that I have done this week to make sure that I am doing something every day for the goal to find a company to use me for their advertising are as follows; I e-mailed back Covergirl because they gave me a rejection e-mail saying they couldn't donate to the cause. I emailed a pretty confident e-mail saying I was willing to work hard if they changed their mind. I e-mailed YSL back. Marc Jacobs. Nordstom and The Ellen show. I called Nordstrom back with courage from the Holy Spirit and asked if I could speak to them more about the situation, even though they had already denied the proposal. They ended up sending me to someone that LIKED my idea!! We are waiting for the Holiday Season to be over to revisit since it's a crazy time of year. I am supper excited at this possibility! I mailed out big yellow envelopes with my pictures and my letter to Tiffany &  Co. , Piaget, Louis Vuitton since they have asked for a more fomal proposal. And just to be completely hopeful that God can do anything I sent one to the fan mail address for Steven Spielberg. l mailed personal notes to the kind people that have actually taken their time to have correspondance with me, I have appreciated it so much.  I called Sharif Jewler and the nice woman said she'd ask the owner. I called and emailed someone at Kate Spade. The end. 

That's it for now but my heart is FULL of hopeful antisipation to see how God is going to pull this off. This is all Him and I am just litteraly honored that he is wanting to use this broken little Mexican girl who was so scared of herself and everything else in this

world just a year ago. If God can use this life, he can use anyone. I am so undeserving and yet He continues to surprise me with the love and conpassion His splendor imprints in my soul. 

Thank you for your prayers and belief in this. I appreciate you going on this journey with me. We are all a piece of the puzzle. Stay tuned for an update next week! 

Stay blessed and stay saucy 
-Libier Reynolds 

Monday, December 8, 2014

A Rainbow In The Storm


The other day it was seriously super stormy here in Sacramento. They sky was all dark, clouds in the way of the sun so it felt like a perpetual evening all day. I was driving at the time so all I could see was the dark gloomy sky. Everywhere I turned there were gray and sulky colors. Until something amazing happened, I started to see some beautifully bright colors to the right of my windshield. After my eyes focused on the beautiful sight I was seeing, I realized it was literally a fifth of a rainbow. I've never experienced anything like it. It was so healing to see that in the midst of the dark, in the midst of "gray", in the midst of a storm there was God's glory shining for me to see. Sometimes I feel like God wants me to exersice all the faith that I have in him and believe with all my heart that he is there. Even when it clearly does not feel like it. I love when things like that mirror what is happening in my heart. At this very moment in so many areas of my life, the sky is grey and gloomy, so to speak. But that does NOT take away from the fact that God is there and interestingly enough I was able to be even more grateful for that fifth of a rainbow in the midst of a dark and gloomy sky. Somehow it looked more radiant. More beauitiful in contrast. May God bless you today. May he keep you and help you understand how much he loves you! 

Stay Blessed and stay saucy! 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Progress In My Half A Million Dollar Journey

Hi friends! I am writting to you with all kinds of emotions in my heart! I want to document every sencond of this crazy journey and keep you guys updated as much as I can. I will also be doing youtube videos so you can pick if you want to read or watch the progress. 

On Thanksgiving day I emailed out to any company I found in a magazine that I thought would need models for their advertisment proposing the idea for me modeling for them and them paying Bridget's dream (an organization here in Sacramento that is commited to helping girls get out of the terror of human trafficking).  I knew going in to it that I was going to fight the battle from a stance of victory. I know that God is able to raise a half a million dollars. I just need to trust that it will be done. However there is that skeptical part of me that tells me, "what are you thinking?, this is crazy, ridiculous. Who do you think you are?- AND my favorite one- You're not good enough, no one is going to want to work with  you"  So to silence all of that mess in my hot head I've been saying scriptures to myself that negate those awful thoughts of unbelif and fear of failure.  

The next day after I emailed out, I got an email from Louis Vuitton. A ligitimate email from an actual person wiht a pulse that read my letter of intent and they asked me to mail in a formal letter to a different department for consideration! What the heck!? Is this real? THAT'S HOPE. A formal letter has been sent and I am praying for God to open doors there if that's what he wants. 

Then another email with a phone number for someone at Neiman Marcus.... This time I actually got to talk to a person in a high possition at Neiman Marcus. There was hope I was super excited.  However, last night they emailed me back saying it wasn't something they could do at this time. REJECTION. I don't know why but I litteraly wept. I had been on such a high from just the tangibility of talking to actual people in the industry and there was hope for some so when I got shut down it hurt so bad. Not just for me but for all the people that need help that I know Bridget's Dream can provide. But we are not giving up. We move forward. 

Today Thursday December 4, 2014 I went to midtown Sacramento and wanted to see if I could talk to some friends that might of know of someone in town that did advertising. I prayed that God would lead me in the way to go. I went a round about way because I was killing time before one of my friends would be at work. I turned on some random street and I look to my right and realize there is an advertising company right before my eyes. I stop and it looks closed, I look inside like a Creepy McCreeperson and see a and man with his dog sitting down and I call him over. He answers the door and I tell him my intent and ask him if he does advertising. Well he is the Senior associate of this company so I grab my baby out of the car, along with my headshot and my letter of intent ( If you havent read that click HERE). He hands me his card only it has a diffent name on it. I read it and my mind can't quite place the name but it sounds familiar. I end up saying hey is this Andy from Express Media? Well yes it is! It's someone I used to work with! Bill the senior associate lets me in the back to see Andy and we all talk and I end up showing them the trailer for the movie I just shot in 2012. I don't know what God has planned for this.. But I know it's going to be something. It was a miracle that I "stumbled" across this place. Stay tuned for more of this crazy journey. 

I guess I should tell you that on my way home I was laughing histerically and crying histerically at the gratitude and amazement I felt toward God.  When I started my relationship with God three years ago I really thought following him would mean a life devoid of excitement. I thought that all my bad habits that he so lovingly has stripped me from were my excitement being stripped from me and I would have some stale life trying to follow God's rules. Boy was I wrong. I have given up so much of my life for him BUT he is given me so much back.  My obedience toward him is flawed, it's by His grace that I am saved. I can not do anything to pay him back for what He did for me. But the more I learn who He is, I am willing and wanting to follow him more and more and through that, I have found peace that is worth more than gold.  He is an almightly God that can do what we can't. MIRACLES.   

Stay blessed stay saucy

Monday, December 1, 2014

The Journey of a Half a Million Dollar Miracle

To whom this may concern

     My name is Libier Reynolds I am an actor, dancer, singer and model from Sacramento CA. I recently starred in the independent IMDB accredited film, Splashed. This movie has to do with human trafficking and it has changed my life knowing the devastation going on in our country, let alone in my own city.  
The capital of California is one of many American cities identified by the FBI as a hub for sex-traffickingI am suggesting something radical in order to raise a half a million dollars for an organization here in Sacramento called Bridget's Dream. They help children and women that have been abused in the human trafficking world. They would love to build an onsite facility that would house services designed to empower and restore these souls that have been badly wounded. I would like to offer myself in the capacity of an actor or model to raise the funds necessary for this organization. I am suggesting that you would consider having me as your model or actor for a cause. It would be only for a short season.  My hope and prayer is that many hearts would be moved to use me and that the funds would be raised in a miraculous manner. I have faith that this is possible with the help of giving hearts. I would love to speak to someone further about this to share my ideas about it.  Thank you so much for your time in reading and considering my letter. I write to you with an extremely heavy heart for all these hurting people that need help. The help is willing, but the funds are lacking. However, I also write this letter with a joyful excitement to see what will come from this.

   From a business standpoint, this is a really cool idea for your company to help a cause in a creative way by using someone who is willing to give 100% of their pay to an organization that will provide hope and a future for hearts that have been previously devastated. Imagine that you could be a piece of the puzzle in a plan so divine that would restore and redeem who knows how many souls.  I am not naive to the fact that I probably can't stop human trafficking. It is a vicious, devastating and worldwide issue that is perpetuated by demand. I do however have the hope that in the midst of all of this darkness and despair a light will shine that is brighter and will shine more in the darkness. I want to hope and believe that there are people in this world that want to make a difference. I thank you once again for your time. Here is all of the information you might need to make a decision to contact me and possibly have a meeting with me and the director of Bridget's Dream.

My website: LibierReynolds.com
Website for Splashed the movie I star in: splashedthemovie.com
Bridget's Dream:   http://www.bridgetsdream.org/
My New Youtube Channel: youtube.com/mrslibrey