Monday, September 26, 2011

What Were You Made For?

        One of the most amazing things in life for me is creating, Running around all day thinking of different ideas. I flood my husband's ears with stories of what I "should" be doing. On a daily basis. I tell him what my dreams are, I tell him what fun things I think we should do as a family. I babble on and on about different quests that God has me going into. Poor guy, I think that if he didn't love me as much as he does he would say SHUT IT WOMAN, NO MORE IDEAS FOR TODAY OKAY! And to think that I only share with him probably about half of what really goes on in my head!

             All of the sudden I got this idea that God was calling me to  "change the world". I know what you're thinking. CRAZY right. I know!!!  I've always thought that God wired me to some how become a famous actress and have all this fame and fortune. For many years of my life I enjoyed being on stage and persuing a career in acting/modeling/dancing/singing/being strawberry shortcake for Toys R Us. I actually got paid to be the very last one... see

             I wasn't lying!  After many failed attempts at a non-fulfilling quest for stardom, I called it quits and decided my life had to go elsewhere. Boy am I glad for that decision, for I was extremely blessed with an understanding husband and a freakin' cute ass daughter. Could I ask for more?! NO. However, I STILL had this weird burning desire in my belly that had me wondering, am I where I'm supposed to be and am I doing all that God has created me for? God has placed that fire burning inside of me for a reason. There is something I must do in this life, and God has equip me perfectly to execute it. But what is it!!?? . Those were some of my questions that I would ask myself so many days until one day I got the answer, or should I say I listened!

           My quest is none-the-less being a good example of what God's love can do for a person. I know now that in order for ME to change the world, I need to change for the better every single day. I have to share the love with anyone that will listen. I have to stop clinging on to what I "thought" my life would be and start embracing what my life IS and what I will do TODAY in order to help someone else. When I started thinking of others and not myself is when I knew that the reason God made me wanting to be on "stage" was so that I would do that in His glory and let all who will listen know how much he loves them and how cool it is to be enamored with Him.

           My life is no different than when I had all these questions about who I was. It's no different than when I questioned my purpose in life. The only thing that's changed is my focus to God and paying attention and following Him in what he NEEDS ME to do. Loving one person at a time. Being kind, loving, and respecting the people that are placed in my life.

         It feels great knowing that what I'm doing in my life is hopefully helping others find their place in the world and how to make the best of this life. Today take some time to be in a quiet place and just listen to what God wants YOU to do! Listen and if it's something good you can bet your toshie, it is really God speaking to you.  I hope you have a great day!

- Stay blessed and stay saucy! Oh and check out my Youtube channel HERE! It's full of crazy shenanigans and such. Let me know if there is something you'd like to read about, or some feed back about how these blogs are affecting you! I would love to know if these are really helping anyone..... 

Friday, September 9, 2011

I Want My Toddler's Perseverance!

My baby girl took her first steps at 11 months. They happened to be on the top of the kitchen counter (I think she wanted to make sure that she was going to make a statement)! She kept attempting to "walk" but every attempt just made her look like baby Frankenstein. She crawled faster so she would revert to that in order to get anywhere. However, practice makes perfect right?  Now, it seems as though she's been hitting the baby bar all night ,she can walk like a champ but looks like a Wino wearing a cookie monster diaper. She has been growing more and more independent to the point that we are in the stage that I would guess makes most mommies cry (I've already cried millions of times),the get-out-of-my-face-and-let-me-walk-woman stage. She wants to spend less time in my arms and more time getting into big time trouble. That's okay with me, I know she has to grow up! I'm am actually very excited for her life, I just get nostalgic from time to time. 

I sit at home and just watch her play and create and get busted. I watch her so much because it fascinates me (not in a creepy way, more like in a way normal way to where I DO get other things done other than just stare at her all day. In case you were wondering). But the reason it fascinates me so much is that she will walk and fall, walk, walk, walk, and fall. Walk, walk, walk, fall, fall, walk. You get the point. Time after time she gets up from falling down with no frown in her brow. She just knows that to get better at this walking game she has to get up and try again. She has never stayed down from a fall. That really got me thinking! 

How many times have I "fallen" in my life? Too many to count, I don't have enough fingers and toes.  However, my attitude is some times sour about these falls. When I'm down, it's hard to know if I can or even want to get back up. Looking at my baby girl get up time and time again with a joyful attitude reassures me that it's all about attitude. It's difficult to place such responsibility on myself to look at the glass half full, but life just seems so much better when I do. Today are you going to let your "fall" get in the way of moving forward stronger or are you going to let it sink you until it's impossible to see the top? Think about it. 

Stay blessed and stay super saucy!!!

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