Saturday, March 26, 2011

People, people, people

The dynamics of human relationships …. What an interesting concept that is to me. I love analyzing my relationships and learning from the people around me. I go about this life with the intent of being a stand up gal. I strive to be the best that I can at everything I do. There are times when I feel like I’m doing a great job at life, and… there are other times where, let’s just say, I fall short of every mark! Of course then, I analyze and question every little detail of my essence. Life goes on so fast around me. Before I know it it’s bed time and with a blink of an eye I wake up and do it all over again. Life is so volatile, so fleeting; I have no idea if I get a chance at this tomorrow, that concept in itself makes everything I do a questionable carnival that gets me into trouble because I start going through all the decisions in my life. Am I where I’m supposed to be? Am I good enough for this or that? Am I fulfilling whatever needs fulfillment? Am I using all of my potential? Why am I here? Questions, questions and more questions that at the end of the day I just spent more than enough time working myself up, and for what? To feel anxious and in a desperate state that only creates more questions. When I’m in this whirlwind of “over-thinking” things I am literally in a vortex that is very difficult to come out of, a black hole, if you will, of doubt that shatters every fiber of my being; and that’s when it happens. I begin to feel all alone and as if I am the only person going through this ordeal. It definitely does not help that a part of my personality trait is to be a control freak that wants to be “independent” and do things on my own…. And then something wonderful happens, I get humbled and blessed by the people around me. People that God uses in my life to show me that I am not alone in how I feel, that I am in NEED of human interaction and synergy. This is where my admiration comes in for human relationships. I understand that all the people in my life are in it for a reason.

You think its chance that you just met that really nice and inspiring person at school or that you bumped into a stranger who offered some words of wisdom, helping you figure out a problem you were having? Is it all chance? Is it all just some random acts of randomness (sorry to be redundant). But think about it. IS IT!!??? I think NOT. Every person you come into contact with is a piece of your puzzle. They are in your life for a very specific reason. Sometimes it’s to bless you with words of encouragement. Sometimes to piss you off in some way. Whatever the reason is, know that you will grow somehow if you should allow it. We are more alike than we think. Sure, we can do all we want to be viewed as “individuals“. We can dye our hair, pierce things that shouldn’t be pierced, wear funky clothes to make a statement, but in the end we are all one in the same. Our hearts beat the same way, we all pass certain kinds of unpleasant wind from time to time (some more than others but that’s beside the point), we all question why we are in this world and what our purpose is. We all want to be accepted, and most importantly we all just want to be loved. No matter who we are! We ALL just need to be loved. So let the people around you help you become a better version of you. Let the people around you guide your next step. Even if you meet someone you don’t like, ask yourself why they just so happened to fall in your lap at this specific time. Relationships are interchangeable. When you think you’re helping someone, they might be the ones really doing the work for you. Helping you answer some of the questions in your heart. Allow people to love on you, and for heaven’s sake, love on people. The world is in distress. Everyone is in competition with each other, sizing each other up, wanting what the other person has. What quality of life does this provide? A life that always leaves us wanting what we don’t have and neglects the importance of cultivating our relationships. I say we stop this mumbo jumbo and just allow people to help us become better human beings. Look at the relationships around you and thank God for them. Remember they will only make you a better person if you allow it. Let the realization that you are NOT alone in how helpless you feel. Everyone feels this way, even the most together person feels unsure deep inside. We will never be free of this until we realize that we are on this earth to love people, to be kind to one another and to encourage each other to be better versions of ourselves. What are you going to do today? Go love someone; they might need it more than they’re letting on. A special thanks to EVERYONE that’s in my life, you have no idea how much I love and appreciate you. Stay saucy and be blessed!

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