Friday, July 9, 2010

When there's a will there's a puppy.

When there's a will there's a way. Heard that before? This week I heard the very sad news that my childhood dog, Cosita (means little thing in Spanish), passed away last Monday. My mother being my mother did not want to tell me because I was in a "delicate" state in my pregnancy and she didn't want me to go into early labor or something. This week while being at their house I got curious of Cosita's whereabouts and asked my mom. She gave me the look, you know the one you just know something is wrong, and I just knew what she was going to say, "Cosita is gone"... I of course burst into tears that were ignited even more by the surge of pregnancy hormones! After I did my thing, all I could think about was my past with my dog. She was fifteen years old, by golly that's old for a dog! In some sense I was a bit relieved since she'd been loosing all her teeth and was down to one good molar on the right side of her mouth, it was time for her to go. Still sad, but understandable. I got to thinking of how much I struggled to get her.

 I suddenly found myself back in 1995 wearing some hideous leggings with an over sized T-shirt tied to my side. There I was at my mom's friends house, this lady we went to visit had two adult Pomeranians that had just had a litter. I don't know if you've ever seen a Pomeranian puppy but it was by far the cutest thing I had ever seen in my life. With high hopes I asked the woman if she was going to give them away. Short of laughing at my face she said, "Oh Mija, NO , these puppies will sell for $300 a piece in three months when they are ready." I turned to my mother armed with my most pathetic googly eyes to see if I could convince her to buy me one. She literally laughed at my face and said , " Are you kidding me, we hardly have money for food for ourselves and you want me to buy you a $300 dog?!" I lost hope, well for about the time it took us to get our tooshies to the bus stop. Then my mind took off running wild, like a gazelle running from a hungry lion.

 I kept thinking of how I would convince my mother that I needed this puppy more than I needed food really. Different strategies ran through my head. Lots of brainstorming and preparation to lay down my proposal and not have it be denied. It took me the long bus ride home to determine what I would ask of my parents. When we got home, I sat them both down and with my most convincing demure I began my business plan. I told them that over the next three months I would be "working" towards raising money for the puppy. I asked them if they would please buy me Mexican candy in bulk and that I would sell it at school and in our neighbourhood. They for some reason loved the idea and let me open shop! I don't think they knew what I had in mind. I made flyer's with markers that I then posted all over our street saying that our house was a Mexican candy factory. In hind sight I think my father would have said no to the whole operation had he known how much business I would have. There were literally TONS of kids and adults from our street that came and rang our door bell constantly for some candy. What a success! I ran out of my first batch very quickly and on to the next. I could not wait for the minute that I would get to hold my very own puppy!

 It took me three months but I finally did it. In all honesty I think my parents despite our shortage of money, had to put in the final "cents" for my transaction to take place. But I think they just thought I would probably run away if after all my struggles I wasn't able to get her. I can remember the day we went to pick her up as if it were yesterday. We got to go in my dad's car and on the drive home I had her on my lap and since she was so little she kept sliding onto my side and the crevice of the car seat. Oh what a joyous day! I was one happy sixth grader.

Why do I share this with you today? Well because when there is a will there is a way. If you truly want something don't stop short at people telling you no. If you have the drive in you, and I truly believe we all do , then there is always a solution to get all of what we want in life. The thing is to listen to your heart and your head will figure something out if you let it. Don't live your life by what others think you can and can not do. It's not going to be an easy or a smooth ride by any means. But the satisfaction you get out of completing something that you thought difficult is by far one of the most exhilarating feelings of all. To get what you want and what in essence your heart needs, after a huge struggle makes life worth living. So if you're facing a time in your life right now where there is something out in the world that you just gotta have, do a little soul searching figure out if it's really what you need and go for it. You will know it in your heart if it's really what you want. No inhibitions, no sensors. You WILL achieve it if you can think it. We all have so much potential that we don't use or we sell ourselves short for. I think back and really feel proud of myself for having to experience that. I would have learned NOTHING had my parents had the money to buy me Cosita. But if I was able to do that at 11 years old, what are my capabilities now? Don't be scared of your own potential. Go balls out and get what you truly need in life! It's worth it all!
May you rest in peace, Cosita, you taught me more that you know.

Stay saucy everyone!

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