Monday, May 9, 2011

Our Window Got Smashed on Mother's Day!

Yesterday was my first mother’s day as a real on-duty mommy (I say that because last year I claimed it to be my 1st because I was pregnant and needed a present, don’t judge me!) Well this year, Doug made it a point to make me feel really special! It was the best day ever! I got treated to a massage the night before. When I woke up I got a very nice card from Maddy, Comet and Doug, and after church we were on our way to my surprise. We arrived at the Melting Pot! We had an amazing brunch that made my belly very very happy. Then, we were off to Doug’s softball game where he won both games and made the most amazing catch ever (so he says, I didn’t see it because I was chatting it up with a soon to be member of the wives club) Ready to wrap up this amazing day, we walked to our car with two of our amazing friends and as we were saying goodbye and getting ready to put Maddy in the car, I noticed something on the passenger’s seat. It resembled water; I thought somehow Doug got the seat all wet or something. After looking a little harder I glanced to my left and then noticed the gaping hole that was our window. Someone had SMASHED our back window to pieces!!! I told everyone, “Our window got smashed in.” Doug and everyone else was in utter disbelieve. We then searched for the stolen items, but noticed that they took nothing! All they did is rummage through my clothes that were sitting to be donated in the back seat! Well, at least they could’ve saved me a trip to the goodwill! To my surprise Doug and I didn’t freak out about it. We just took a moment to be in disbelieve about the situation and then attempted to clean up the mess, although we hardly cleaned anything up since our friends, Kelly and Danny were cleaning it for us, bless their hearts. When we were done and on our way home, Doug and I had this peace about the whole thing that would never been able to be achieved without God in our lives. We knew that somehow, someway, God would make a positive out of this very negative situation.  To our surprise our insurance has a window thinngy-maggyger that covers these sorts of incidents, so our deductible is only $100 (I know, I’m so insurance lingo savvy huh!) I called the window place today and the lady was so nice to me and after talking to her for a while she told me that she would knock down my deductible to only $50! The window specialist is coming to my house to fix it today and voila, problem solved!
 I don’t know about you, but I never count on my day being filled with these sorts of unpleasant incidents. However, they tend to creep up on ya’, when you least expect them to! And trust me, I don’t always handle them with such grace, but I do know what makes the difference in my attitude. It’s having faith that I can hold on to. Knowing that in spite any negative circumstance the world can throw at me, I have a promise that could never be broken. I will always have a God that loves me and is kind and will find a blessing from ANY situation I am put in, no matter what. But with that promise comes great responsibility, as my good friend Margarit said “God gave you a brain, so use it!” I can’t just rely on the universe to give me the perfect day, or the perfect job, or the perfect circumstances. I have to exercise my responsibility (the ABILITY to respond!) and have a positive attitude towards any situation that comes my way. I don’t mean that I have to be fake in my emotions, because for a second there I was pissed that someone would violate my property, but I allowed myself to feel and then moved on with positive thoughts about the situation. So many times I’ve allowed a nasty situation such as this get the best of me and I’ve allowed it to ruin the day, or even weeks of my life for that matter.  I’ll tell you something, getting my window smashed was not about to ruin my amazing 1st Mothers day! So today make the choice to not let window smashers dictate your joy! Find the positive in every situation, I promise you there is ONE!
Lastly, if you’ve enjoyed reading this please pass it on to someone else! Thank you all!
Stay blessed, and stay saucy my friends! 

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