Friday, April 9, 2010

Love for a child

Happy Friday to you all. I hope you had as fast of a week as I have. Phew!

This week I experienced my baby moving more than her usual. It was the single most amazing feeling I’ve ever felt in my life, (well aside from being in love with my husband). She did this u-turn sort of ninja like move that just sent a thousand love signals to my heart and I knew right then and there that I am going to love her the way God loves me. Unconditionally.

I was talking to a friend that just recently had her baby in December and she said to me ,” I just can’t imagine my life before this little one, I never knew that I could be so bias to a human before having a child.” I started thinking of God’s love for us, he has to feel the same way any parent feels for their child,times elevendy billion. Just enamored by them and completely and utterly behind them no matter WHAT. Oh my goodness to be able to understand that kind of love even 50% just makes me want to cry. I mean I’ve always believed that God loves me so much but sometimes, just sometimes ,when I do “bad” things I just think, dang it, there I go again being all crazy and human like and I think for a second that God might not love me as much as when I’m doing “good” things. BUT the fact of the matter is, and yes folks I know how hard this is to comprehend, the fact of the matter IS, God will always, no matter WHAT love us. Doesn’t mean he’s not saying , dough, whenever we screw up, but he’s always there to lead us through whatever we are facing. Why is it so hard to know that we are loved this much? Can you imagine loving other people that way, not judging them in any way, not holding grudges, loving everyone for who they are? That to me is incredible because as good as I want to be, I myself get caught up in being Judy McJudgerson and can write people off for things that I view different, or weird. But God doesn’t do that. God just loves with all of his heart.

Today, whatever religion you are, whatever your belief system is, just know that God loves you so much in spite of yourself and I hope this gives your heart some peace and comfort and that it makes you smile as it makes me smile.

Make it a great weekend. Only you can.

** I know there is no such number as elevendy billion.

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